The Ministry of Education celebrates signing of job contracts for 65 students with disabilities



The Ministry of Education held a ceremony today, Wednesday, to honor the signing of job contracts for 65 students with disabilities who were hired by a group of national companies and institutions. The ceremony was held under the patronage and presence of His Excellency the Minister of Education, Mr. Yousef bin Abdullah Al-Benyan, and was inspired by the principle of cooperation between government agencies and charitable institutions to contribute to achieving the goals of the Kingdom’s Vision 2030 in rehabilitating and developing services for people with disabilities.
His Excellency the Minister of Education honored the national organizations and institutions that have successfully hired students with disabilities. Those contracts were signed as a result of a joint effort between the Ministry of Education and the "Sa’ee Foundation", which aimed to qualify and train students with disabilities for the labor market and contribute to finding suitable jobs for them as well as overcome the obstacles they face in the workplace.
The Ministry of Education is committed to providing comprehensive rehabilitation and training for its students with disabilities, taking into account all of their unique characteristics to facilitate linking them with employment agencies in a way that suits them according to their capabilities and abilities in an effort to activate community initiatives for this category.
The ceremony included an introductory video about the cooperation project between the Ministry of Education and the Sa'ee Foundation for the Rehabilitation and Employment of Persons with Disabilities.
At the event, employees with disabilities presented the ceremony's paragraphs and delivered a speech in which they expressed their thanks and gratitude to the Ministry of Education and the Sa'ee Foundation for their efforts and support in making this day possible.



3/29/2023 8:23 PM